Can I use homeopathic remedies on my pet?

Just as your homeopath looks at “the big picture” before prescribing homeopathic remedies, your homeopathic veterinarian will want a complete overview in order to match the right remedy to the patient’s symptoms. Because pets rarely speak, you will need to convey the necessary information, just as you need to do with an infant.Some common and successful homeopathic remedies for cats and dogs includeHuman pharmaceuticals are not intended for use on animals. However, homeopathic remedies are the only therapeutics first used in humans and then applied to animals (for a change) and may be used to alleviate your pet’s symptoms.
Agaricus muscarius for frostbite
Apis to calm a dying pet when there is swelling and kidney disease
Arnica for shock and trauma—if your pet has been attacked or hit by a car, immediately head for emergency care and administer this en route
Arsenicum album for combination of restlessness, diarrhea, and vomiting
Calcarea carbonica for eye problems and obesity
Calendula for cuts and eye irritation
Cantharis for burns and UTIs
Chamomilla for teething or acute diarrhea with green stools
Euphrasia for conjunctivitis or weepy, red eyes
Hepar sulphuris for an abscess with pus
Hypericum for small cuts with bleeding
Ledum for bites, stings, and puncture wounds, and to prevent tick-borne illnesses after being bitten by a tick
Natrum sulphuricum for a head injury
Nux vomica for vomiting with irritability
Rhus tox for recovery from joint injury from overexertion and stiffness the next day
Silica for constipation and foreign substances where they don’t belongConsult your homeopathic veterinarian for the correct remedy and dosage for your pet. Monitor your animal’s progress and follow any treatment suggestions that will make him/her more comfortable while waiting for the remedy to work. More than one remedy or a different dose may be required for best results.